Proiect IDEI PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0812
       Traduction culturelle et littérature /
       littératures francophones :

       histoire, réception et critique des traductions

Project Presentation

Purpose, Objectives: The purpose of this project is an original research upon the relationship between the cultural translation and the Francophone literature(s) by means of history, reception and critical approach of translations. The project aims the elaboration of an innovative research and the development of the visibility of the Romanian translation studies research.

During these last decades, the concept of cultural translation has acquired a growing importance within the translation studies research against the ethnocentric translation that sacrifices the cultural particularities of the translated text. Fundamental works signed by Antoine Berman, Henri Meschonnic, Jean-Louis Cordonnier, Michel Ballard, Salah Mejri, as well as several issues of some magazines like Palimpsestes, Esprit, Mεta, Translationes, raise the topic of a change within the practice of translation according to the context given by the “decolonization” and by the “globalization” by means of a “pluralisation in the logics of the intercultural exchanges” that Henri Meschonnic evoked in 1999.

The round table organized by the ISTI (Institut Supérieur des Traducteurs et Interprètes) in Brussels in March 2012 has stated again, thanks to André Clas, the idea that no culture and no civilization are self sufficient and that translation is able to render all the exchanges between different literatures and cultures.

Famous translation studies specialists like Jean-René Ladmiral, Marianne Lederer, André Clas, Henri Awaiss, Annie Brisset, Jean-Marc Gouanvic, Elisabeth Lavault, Ahmed El Kaladi, Irina Mavrodin, Georgiana Lungu-Badea, Lieven d'Hulst, Corinne Wecksteen, André Dussart, Michaël Oustinoff have made reflections upon the context that motivates and justifies a cultural translation.

The concepts that make the object of our research are: bilingualism, multiculturalism, adaptation, cultural identity of a translation, cultural marks, cultural interferences. These concepts, as well as that of cultural mark, redefined by us, will form the theoretical guidelines of our research.

According to the plan, the research will be taken on three main themes by participating at documentation courses as well as at scientific conferences.

Among the elements of originality and conceptual creativity of this project we name the extension of the concept of Francophony to Francophony avant la lettre, as well as the exploitation of the one-at-one relationship between cultural translation and Francophone literature(s).

The choice of this theme is motivated by the current aspect of this research within translation studies and by the growing importance of the cultural identity in the Francophone literature. 

The Members of the Team: The director of the research project is a specialist in literary theory and translation studies, she has a rich experience in the research area and international visibility. The structure of the team (1 experienced researcher, 3 post-doctoral researchers, 1 PhD researcher and 1 student in Master degree) respects the specificity of research and the purpose of supporting the evolution of researchers in a competitive rhythm towards excellence. 

Indicators: to publish papers in international data bases magazines, to publish a book and an issue at an international publishing house, to organize scientific conferences.


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