Results 2013
Articles and reviews indexed by ISI Web of Science and/or published in journals indexed by ERIH (European Reference Index for the Humanities)
- the study « Deux écrivains roumains à l’épreuve de la traduction du conte français » in TTR : traduction, terminologie, rédaction, Vol. XXV, no 2, Association Canadienne de Traductologie, Université de Concordia, 2012 (published in October 2013), p.193-213 (Muguraş CONSTANTINESCU)
- the study « L’altérité dans le texte : entre report et emprunt, entre occasionnel et durable » in Palimpsestes, nr. 25, 2012 (published in December 2013), pp. 185-200, Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle,Paris (Muguraş CONSTANTINESCU)
- the review « COLLECTIF, 2010 : Jean-René Ladmiral, le dernier des archéotraductosaures, interviewé par l'ETIB, Beyrouth, Ecole des traducteurs et d'Interprètes de Beyrouth, Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines, Université Saint Joseph, Collection Sources-Cibles », in Meta journal des traducteurs, vol 57, issue 4 (published in December 2013), Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, pp. 1090-1092 (Muguraş CONSTANTINESCU)
Participation of the researchers to scientific events, conferences:
October 2013
November 2013
- the study day Quand les traducteurs prennent la parole : préfaces et projets traductifs, University Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, November 23rd 2013 (participants in the project: Muguraş CONSTANTINESCU and Raluca-Nicoleta BALAŢCHI with the paper « Préface et projet retraductif : Madame Bovary en roumain » presented by Anca-Andreea CHETRARIU-BRĂESCU)
- Journées de la traduction Traduction-trahison, UFR Lettres et Sciences Humaines, University of La Réunion, France, November 20th 2013 (participant in the project: Anca-Andreea CHETRARIU-BRĂESCU, with the paper « La théorie à l’épreuve de la pratique : le cas de la traductrice roumaine Irina Mavrodin »)
December 2013
- the international conference Traduire à Plusieurs : Anciens Défis et Nouveaux Enjeux, 19e Rencontre du Réseau « La Traduction comme moyen de communication interculturelle » Université de Haute-Alsace (Mulhouse), December 4-6 2013 (participant in the project: Muguraş CONSTANTINESCU with the paper « Une traduction peut en cacher une autre, un traducteur peur en cacher plusieurs : sur les traductions / traducteurs dissimulé(e)s dans un texte à citations »)
Programme Conf. Mulhouse
- the study days Journée d’études sur les contes de Grimm : Traductions, réception, adaptations,Université de Nantes, Faculté des Lettres, December 13-14 2013 (participant in the project: Muguraş CONSTANTINESCU with the paper « Sur la dernière traduction en date des frères Grimm en roumain »)
- the international scientific conference Literature, Discourse and Multicultural Dialogue, Petru Maior University of Târgu Mureş, December 5-6 2013 (participants in the project: Raluca-Nicoleta BALAŢCHI and Daniela HĂISAN with the paper « Les traducteurs de littérature – constructeurs de dialogue multiculturel », Iulia CORDUŞ with the paper « La traduction des référents culturels dans le roman Le testament français »)
Books published by prestigious international publishing houses:
- Professor Muguraş CONSTANTINESCU published at L’Harmattan Publishing House the volume Pour une lecture critique des traductions. Réflexions et pratiques (Paris, 2013, 284 p.); it gathers critical essays on translation studies having themes related to the project.
- Professor Muguraş CONSTANTINESCU published Lire et traduire la littérature de jeunesse. Des Contes de Perrault aux textes ludiques contemporains, with a preface by Jean Perrot, Editions Peter Lang, Bruxelles, 2013, ISBN 978-2-87574018-2, p. 218 – a book which gathers critical essays on translation studies having themes related to the project.
Publication of articles / studies / reviews 2013:
Other results:
- Two PhD seminars at the University of Ottawa (École de Traduction et d’interprétation, Canada) on Les Anciens Canadiens en roumain : stratégies et difficultés de traduction (October 2, 2013) and Quelques séquences de l'histoire de la traduction de la littérature française et francophone en roumain: les contes littéraire savants (October 7, 2013), given by professor Muguraş CONSTANTINESCU
- Preparation and publication of the issues 19 and 20 of the magazine Atelier de traduction and of the themes La critique des traductions [Critical Approach of Translations] that exploit and disseminate some of the results of the project.
- the 19th issue of Atelier de traduction (La critique des traductions I), published at the end of June 2013, comprises 16 articles and reviews signed, among others, by researchers such as Lance Hewson, Jean Delisle, Émilie-Genevieve Audigier, Eglantina Gishti, Fjoralba Dado etc., thus illustrating the activities carried out in the present project.
- the 20th issue of Atelier de traduction (La critique des traductions II), published in December 2013, comprises an interview with Jean Delisle and 18 contributions (articles, translations, reviews) signed, among others, by Catherine Delesse, Zoya Sidorovskaya, Claire Leydenbach, Alexandra Hillinger, Marina Silveira de Melo, Sophie Salin, Lilia Beltaïef etc.
Participation of the researchers to scientific events, conferences, meetings with specialists in this area in Romania and abroad, completing the theme of the project:
January 2013
- The conference Traduire l'architecture / Translating Architecture - organized by the Institute of History of art the 17th January 2013 in Paris. Muguras CONSTANTINESCU took part and presenteed a paper intitled “Sur la terminologie d'architecture roumaine traduite du français, au XIXe siècle”
(collaboration with Lucian Constantinescu).
February 2013
- The international conference La Retraduction en littérature de jeunesse / Retranslating Children's Literature – organized during 7-9 February by the Rouen University, France, in collaboration with the Charles Perrault Institute. Daniela HAISAN took part and presented the paper ”La retraduction : miroir magique, boîte catoptrique ou kaléidoscope. Poil de Carotte et les sept versions roumaines”.
March 2013
- The conference Traduire pour le grand public – Programme Traductologie de plein champ, the fifh edition, part one, organized on the 2nd of March by Paris Diderot University. Anca-Andreea CHETRARIU took part and presented the paper „Une traduction « accessible » du roman Le Rouge et le noir”.
- The conference L'année 1936. Traductions et retraductions vers le français, Tours, 22-23 March 2013. Muguraş CONSTANTINESCU took part and presented the paper „Les connexions fortifiantes: Ilarie Voronca traduit par Roger Vailland”.
- The international conference20th/21st Century French and Francophone Studies (Traces, fragments, restes) organized by the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States between 27-30 March 2013. Cristina DRAHTA was accepted with the paper „Traces et équivalences chez Andrei Makine” that will be published in October 2013.
- The conference Traduire Rousseau II. Les œuvres autobiographiques, organized by the Lorraine University, France, the 28th March 2013. Anca-Andreea CHETRARIU took part and presented the paper „Traduire la subjectivité : les Reveries du promeneur solitaire en roumain”.
- The Francophony Days (XVIIIth edition): Le recyclage culturel entre parasitisme, atrophie de l’imaginaire et invention seconde, Iaşi, 29-30 March 2013. Raluca-Nicoleta BALAŢCHI’s paper „Retraduire les grands textes de l’enfance: des remakes pour des nouvelles générations?” was accepted for publication. .
April 2013
- The international conference Francontraste, second edition, organized by the Zagreb University, Croatia between 11-13 April 2013. Daniela HĂISAN took part and presented the paper „Traduire l’affectivité en roumain et en anglais : le cas de Maupassant”.
May 2013
- The round table Subjectivité et traduction, „Ştefan cel Mare” Universitaty of Suceava, 30 May 2013. Participants in the project: Muguraş CONSTANTINESCU (the promotion of the 18th issue of the magazine Atelier de traduction and of her most recent book Pour une lecture critique des traductions); Iulia CORDUŞ, paper „Subjectivité du traducteur dans Le Testament français en roumain”; Anca-Andreea CHETRARIU, paper „Traduire le rythme de la phrase proustienne” and Daniela HĂISAN, paper „La subjectivité déictique en traduction : le cas des traductions roumaines de Maupassant”.
- The international conference Easts and Wests: literature, philosophy, culture, Chişinău, 31 May – 01 June 2013. Cristina-Maria DRAHTA took part and presented the paper „Traduire Andreï Makine en anglais”.
June 2013
- The international conference Maupassant, Cluj, 7-9 June 2013. Daniela HĂISAN was accepted with the paper „Maupassant et les mots passants : six contes choisis vs leurs versions roumaines.”
Preparation of the issues 17 and 18 of the magazine Atelier de traduction and of the theme L’histoire de la traduction en question(s) that exploit and disseminate some of the project’s results.
- Work meetings around the theme : the contributions of the team members and of the external collaborators.
- The discussion, the completion and the achievement of the contributions to both issues of the magazine in order to be published in the volume.
The participation of the researchers to scientific events, conferences, meetings with specialists in this area in Romania and abroad, completing the theme of the project:
- The conference J.M.G. Le Clézio, explorateur des royaumes de l’enfance University of Malta (18-19 May 2012). Muguraş CONSTANTINESCU took part and presented the paper „L’enfance et l’enfantin chez Le Clézio – stratégies de traduction”, that will be published in April 2013.
- The international conference The history of translations from and in Romanian, organized by the Translation Centre, University of Vienna, Austria (28-29 June). Participants in the project: Muguraş CONSTANTINESCU, paper „O secvenţă din istoria traducerii literaturii franceze în limba română: traducerea poveştilor lui Perrault”; Raluca-Nicoleta BALAŢCHI, paper „Dinamica retraducerii şi locul acesteia în istoria traducerii din limba franceză în limba română”. The papers will be published in French (Frank und Timme Publishing House, TransÜD collection) and in Romanian (Editura Universităţii din Iaşi) in 2013.
- International conference Le manger et le dire, Brussels, Université Libre de Bruxelles (19-22 September ). Participants in the project: Muguraş CONSTANTINESCU and Raluca-Nicoleta BALAŢCHI with the paper „Le lexique de la nourriture et de la cuisine à l’épreuve de la traduction”.
- The international conference La cohérence discursive à l’épreuve : traduction et homogénéisation organized by the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 (12-13 Octomber 2012). Daniela HĂISAN took part at this conference.
- The international conference 3e Assises du plurilinguisme, organized by the Observatoire Européen du Plurilinguisme at Sapienza University, Rome, Italy (10-12 octomber 2012). Cristina DRAHTA took part as an observer.
- The international conference Les études françaises aujourd’hui : De la pensée à son expression, organized by the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities from Novi Sad, Serbia (9-10 October 2012). Anca-Andreea CHETRARIU took part and presented the paper ”Regard sur les théories de la traduction en Roumanie”.
- The international conference Langues et cultures dans le temps et dans l’espace 2, organized by the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities from Novi Sad, Serbia the 24th of November 2012. Participants: Cristina DRAHTA with the paper „Temps et espace chez Savatie Baştovoi traduit en français” and Daniela HĂISAN with the paper „Traduire Amontillado en français et en roumain : amont, aval et confluence”.
- The international conference L’Interculturalité à travers la linguistique, la littérature et la traduction (29 march 2012), ULIM, Chişinău, Republic of Moldova. Elena-Brânduşa STEICIUC (researcher in the project between january-july 2012), took part and presented the paper „L’interculturalité à travers la linguistique, la littérature et la traduction”.
- The conference Les Journées de la Francophonie : problématique(s), „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, Iaşi (30-31 March 2012). Iulia CORDUŞ took part and presented the paper „La langue française, langue de complexité, culture et raffinement”.
The organization of the round table Histoire de la traduction. Repères et perspectives (26 October 2012).
Participants: Professor Michaël OUSTINOFF, prof. dr. Muguraş CONSTANTINESCU, prof. dr. Elena-Brânduşa STEICIUC, conf. dr. Nathalie HERVÉ, lector dr. Raluca-Nicoleta BALAŢCHI, lector dr. Cristina-Maria DRAHTA, lector dr. Daniela HĂISAN, drd. Anca-Andreea CHETRARIU, researcher Iulia Corduş, dr. Constantin Tiron, dr. Petronela Munteanu, dr. Loredana Mititiuc.
The event was coordinated by Muguraş CONSTANTINESCU, the director of the project. The main guest was Professor Michaël OUSTINOFF, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, France, famous translation studies specialist, author of the works Bilinguisme d’écriture et auto-traduction. Julien Green, Samuel Beckett, Vladimir Nabokov, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2001, La traduction, PUF, "Que sais-je ?", 2012, member in the board of the magazines Hermès, CNRS Editions and Palimpsestes, Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle. After the opening speech delivered by Muguraş CONSTANTINESCU, who evoked the memory of the famous translator and literary critic Irina Mavrodin, Michaël Oustinoff delivered a conference entitled Historiographie de la traduction et Culture-Monde, where he spoke about present aspects of the history of translation in and from French, such as: interdisciplinarity, cultural translation, globalization, linguistic imaginary.
The conference proceeded with the paper of Nathalie HERVÉ, University of Nantes, who spoke about the particularities of translation in French during the XVIth century.
Elena-Brânduşa STEICIUC and Raluca-Nicoleta BALAŢCHI presented issue number 17 of the magazine Atelier de traduction, dedicated to the history of translation and to the memory of Irina Mavrodin.
The two sessions that completed the conference gathered paper on translation studies that enriched the research on the history of translation of French literature into Romanian. Specialists discussed about translation, re-translation and adaptation into Romanian of the works by some important authors: Flaubert (a paper by Constantin TIRON), Hugo (a paper by Petronela MUNTEANU), Loredana MITITIUC analyzed concepts of cultural translation.
The members of the project Traduction culturelle et littérature / littératures francophones : histoire, réception et critique des traductions contributed to this round table with the following papers:
- Cristina DRAHTA and Iulia CORDUŞ with the paper „Les conditions d’une bonne traduction selon Alexandru Odobescu”;
- Raluca-Nicoleta BALAŢCHI and Daniela HĂISAN with the paper „Le rôle des revues de traductologie dans l’histoire de la traduction”;
- Anca-Andreea CHETRARIU with the paper ”L’œuvre de traduction d’Irina Mavrodin : repère dans l’histoire de la traduction de la littérature française en roumain”.
Researsch and documentation placement
In order to update and add up the required bibliography for the accomplishment of the exploratory research project (or elaboration of the Master degree or Ph.D thesis, in the case of researchers to be), there were established the following research stages:
- at the University Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, March 2012 (Muguraş CONSTANTINESCU, in order to finish the volume Pour une lecture critique des traductions for Harmattan Publishing House) and October 2012 (Daniela HǍISAN);
- at the University in Malta, in the field of literal translation and the history of translation, 16-22 May 2012 (Muguraş CONSTANTINESCU);
- at ISTI, HEB, Institut Supérieur des Traducteurs et d’Interprètes, Hautes Ecole de Bruxelles, 6-11 October 2012, on translation in French (Muguraş Constantinescu);
- at University „Sophia Antipolis”, Nice, France, 16-22 May 2012 (Elena-Brânduşa STEICIUC);
- at University „Aristote”, Thessaloniki, Greece, 4-6 June 2012 (Elena-Brânduşa STEICIUC) ;
- at the Central University Library ’Mihai Eminescu’ in Iaşi ( 5-7 June 2012) in order to prepare the participation to the International Conference The history of translations from and in Romanian organized by the Centre for Translation, University from Vienna, 28-29 June (Raluca-Nicoleta BALAŢCHI); during 28-30 March 2012, in order to write the article „La langue française – langue de complexité, culture et raffinement”, presented at the conference Les Journées de la Francophonie. La Francophonie (:) problématique, , Iaşi, 30-31 March 2012 (Iulia Corduş); between the 15-19 October 2012, for the article “Constantin Negruzzi – an episode of the French literature translation”, in the process of being published in the papers of the conference The history of translations in and from Romanian , that took part in Vienna, between the 28-29 of June 2012 (Iulia Corduş);
- at the interuniversitary Library „Sainte Geneviève”, Paris, France, between 7-12 June 2012; the research was aimed at writing the article Traduire en roumain la terminologie soviétique employée par Andreï Makine, for the magazine Atelier de traduction, nr. 17 (Cristina DRAHTA);
- at the universitary Library Libre de Brussels, Belgium, between the 8-14 Septembre, research for the conference Traces, Fragments, Restes which will take place beteween the 28-30 of March 2013 at the University Georgia Institute of Technology from Atlanta (Cristina DRAHTA);
- at the Central University Library from Bucharest ( 23- 29 Septembre 2012), in order to elaborate two papers that were presented in some scientifical events that took part in October and November (Anca-Andreea CHETRARIU);
- at the university Library of the University Sapienza in Rome, Italy, October 2012, as part of the research for the conference Langues et cultures dans le temps et dans l’espace 2, organized by the Faculty of Philosophy from Novi Sad, Serbia, on the 24 Novembre 2012 (Cristina DRAHTA);
- at the National French Library (Site François Mitterrand) between the 15-19 Octombre 2012, in order to elaborate a presentation for the round table conference Histoire de la traduction. Repères et perspectives (26 Octombre 2012) and an article on „La terminologie maritime chez Poe”, published afterwards in Atelier de traduction nr. 18 (Daniela HĂISAN);
- at the Romanian Academy Library Bucharest, between the 28 Octombre – the 2nd Novembre 2012, in order to write the article “Constantin Negruzzi – an episode of the French literature translation” in the process og being published in the papers of the conference The history of translations in and from Romanian , that took part in Vienna, between the 28-29 of June 2012 (Iulia Corduş).
Contacts with important specialists, possible contributors to the magazine Atelier de traduction
Muguraş CONSTANTINESCU corresponded by e-mail with Charles Le Blanc, Associated Professor at the School of Translation and Interpreting, University of Ottawa, Canada, specialist in translation studies, literary translation, history of translation, German classic philosophy. The interview was published in issue number 17 of Atelier de traduction.
In issue number 18 of Atelier de traduction, Muguraş CONSTANTINESCU interviews Jean-Yves Masson, writer and translator, researcher and professor of compared literature at Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV).
The collaboration with important specialists, old contributors to the magazine was consolidated.
An important scientific exchange with Professor Michaël OUSTINOFF (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris III), translation studies specialist, was set.
By participating to different conferences, the members of the project established new contacts and had discussions about contributing to Atelier de traduction, already materialized in issues 17 and 18 (ex. Marc Charron, Canada; Émilie-Geneviève Audigier, Brazil; Karen Bruneaud-Wheal, France; Saverina Pasho, Albania etc.).